These are our Essential Tips for preventing and dealing with Back Pain. Let us know if you have others that you would like to share.

  1. Keep your core strong – your lower abdominals, pelvic floor, spinal muscles
  2. Keep your weight down – remember a moment on the lips forever on the hips and as you get older it is far more difficult to lose
  3. Get your ergonomics sorted at work – it is much better to be preventative than have treatment
  4. Exercise at least 3-4 times per week
  5. Work less on an iPad, laptop than on a desk top
  6. Do not hyperventilate – breathe well
  7. When you are sore more than 3 times a week or on a regular basis, get a diagnosis
  8. Work preventively – come for treatment when you feel the pain coming rather than when you are acute – you will need less
  9. Look after yourself – no one else will!

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